Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Welcome to the Focus Point Blog on Photography for beginners to Enthusiasts

Hello and welcome to my more technical and behind the scenes photography blog that will discuss and go over some of the basic fundamentals of photography that can help you make the most of your time, location and photography to help improve your images and keep a high percentage of favorites.
   If you think photography can be as easy as just pressing the shutter button and making a beautiful image, you would not be that far off. Modern digital cameras and cellphones have made the entry in to the art of photography affordable, simple and mainstream for the masses. But just owning a camera or cell phone doesn't make you or turn you into a photographer. 90% of digital images uploaded to the internet every to various websites and social media are just quick, simple, spur of the moment press of the button images. These are just snapshots and they have little impact, interest and meaning beyond the person taking the image. Often times you had to be next to the person with the camera or cell phone to understand the meaning behind that image because the photographer did not tell or evoke that in his/her  composition, lighting use and choice of subject.
     Photography spans many many genres of art, subjects and techniques. Next to the written word photography is an import way of documenting a moment in time. Photography captures the good times, the bad times, exciting times, sad times, heroic actions, less fortunate actions, changes in the environment, landscapes, seascapes, people, animals and numerous other events in a single frame.
    Its very difficult to become well versed and experienced in all genres of photography. That is why most photographers may start out shooting everything that comes in front of their screen or lens but ultimately focus on a few subject matters to master and become good at capturing the moment. But theses genres of photography do share similarities in techniques and camera gear, so that once you have an understanding of what makes a good image possible, you can take your practice, experience, knowledge and skill from one genre and transfer it onto another subject and within a few frames come away with a decent photograph.
     Once you start bringing photography into your daily routine and become a photography enthusiast you quickly learn that just simply pressing down the shutter button is not what makes an interesting, emotional, story telling frame in time. It is a series of tasks and experiences that will guide your composition of that moment. The more you practice, the more you shoot, the more mistakes you make while taking a picture the better your future images will be.
Buying a guitar at a garage sale or as an impulsive buy at a music store and letting it collect dust in the corner will not make you a guitar player overnight, even if sits there for 1 year or 5 years.  Without practice and discipline and an understanding of music and cords its just another piece of room decor.
Same thing rings true with photography. Just because you bought a camera and lens does not make you a photographer. Its the hundreds or thousands of hours of practice and making errors that make you a better photographer.
      Don't let your camera just sit in the corner and collect dust. For one, dust is bad for your photography gear. It gets on and inside your camera leaving annoying dust spots on your sensor. And if you do not go out and shoot you won't making any improvements to your to photography.

My goal with The Focus Point Blog is to get you shooting with what ever gear you currently have and make images.  I will give you some insights, practical advise, mistakes I have made, tips and techniques to help you improve your imagery.

Now, get your gear out and go shoot something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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